Do YOU know who Joesph Kony is? if you don't - you should.
If you haven't seen this video I really suggest you take half an hour out of your day and educate yourself. Its really frightening how such inhumane things are happening all over the world, and in England - and all over the world infact - we are so oblivious. Joesph Kony has built a rebel army of over thirty thousand children, the boys turnt into soldiers, the girls into sex slaves. They are forced to murder their own parents, handle guns and mutilate peoples faces to name a few of the grotesque actions this man has instilled in these innocent children - and whats worse? Kony is 'fighting' for a cause or protesting - he is building this army and committing these crimes in order to be a powerful figure. You can turn a blind eye to what is going on, but in my opinion no matter what side of the world you are from - we are all human, and humanity needs our help right now. If you can spare some time - there's alot of things you can do to help this cause #makekonyfamous - its not all about money, so please don't think 'oh I'm skint I cant afford to give money to others when I cant even finance myself' this charity can really make a difference if we raise awareness and spread the word, this campaign is all about working together - helping each-other, every person can add to this and create a snowballing effect, we need to make Kony a household name, and we need to this fast before the US government loose interest, spread the video - facebook it, tweet it, tumblr it, blogspot it - do whatever you can because honestly EVERY little helps. No child should grow up in fear of being abducted, raped or being forced into military action, when doing something so small can help - will you really resist putting out your hand and helping others? If I can get just one person more to share this video I will be eternally grateful. There are Kony events happening all over the UK, with technology such as facebook its never been easier to get involved, In Kent there is an event you can help with here, and in Southampton here. I really hope like me you take this seriously and take some time out of your day and think, if I was in trouble - would the rest of the world lend a hand? because after all. If the whole world had that selfish attitude of - 'well its not effecting me - why should i give a damn' I tell you now, the world would be alot more corrupt then it already is, I appreciate this isn't my usual beauty/fashion post - but this is something I feel very passionate about.The Kony 2012 website is here - Please sign the pledge, it takes two minutes, just your email address and postcode. and show your support and help others who REALLY need us right now ..
Thankyou for your time.

I saw this post just after sharing the video on my Facebook page- you're right, it's so important we stop Kony. thanks for helping get people aware! :) xo